Between poetry and epistemicide

The solitary experience (?) Of a black and migrant researcher




Poetry, Black poets, Black researchers, Epistemicide, Knowledge production


This essay seeks to share an ethnographic experience related to the poetic battles called slam. In it, my experiences as a black and migrant researcher in the state of Rio de Janeiro are mixed with the intellectual production of black women, built mainly on the streets, constantly questioning a “cloistered” and whitened place of knowledge production. I argue that the spoken poetry, moved within and from the lived reality, will be read as knowledge generators and image producers of the world, receiving the epistemic status that they have within the field, as well as evoking a reflection on the production and trajectory of black intellectuals in the academic setting.

Author Biography

Maria Aline Sabino Nascimento, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro

Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro


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How to Cite

Sabino Nascimento, M. A. (2024). Between poetry and epistemicide: The solitary experience (?) Of a black and migrant researcher. Novos Debates, 8(1).


