Afetividades em fluxo

Um debate sobre a importância da língua de acolhimento 
para a sociabilidade do migrante




Migração, Língua de Acolhimento, Afeto, Exclusão, Sociabilidade


The present research aims to understand how the language issue can become both a barrier and a tool for aggregation. Thus, based on authors such as Anderson (2006) and Fanon (2008), it is observed how the formation of national identity is directly linked to the system of exclusion through language, following Fanon (2008) in his reflections on the speech of Antillean migrants located in France and the presence of the petit-nègre. In thinking about language as a tool for aggregation, I bring to the debate my field research within the project “PROAcolher: Portuguese for migrants and refugees at risk”. I analyze how to transform what was excluding into aggregating, and the role of affective exchanges in this process.


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How to Cite

Xavier, L. N. (2021). Afetividades em fluxo: Um debate sobre a importância da língua de acolhimento 
para a sociabilidade do migrante. Novos Debates, 6(1-2).



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