Queer Corporalization in Néstor Perlongher’s correspondence




Palabras clave:

baroque, queer, masculine, feminine, race


Néstor Perlongher (1949-1992), after becoming an important poet in Argentina and a respected anthropologist in Brazil, identifies in the neobarroque a secretive and underground form of expression that helps articulate his oppositional stance, marginal status, and vulnerable state. By looking at Perlongher’s Correspondencia, this article will explore his defense of the Baroque, which he sees as integral to his creative expression. In addition, as he advocates for the rights of queer and trans
people, this study will look at the ways in which his body and personality take on feminine presentation and qualities. Lastly, this article will take note of the author’s exoticization of the racialized Other which speaks to the depths of racism within the LGBT+ community and queer thought.

Biografía del autor/a

Huber David Jaramillo Gil, City University of New York

City University of New York


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Cómo citar

Jaramillo Gil, H. D. (2024). Queer Corporalization in Néstor Perlongher’s correspondence. Novos Debates, 8(1). https://doi.org/10.48006/2358-0097/V8N1.E8116


