Com o Corona mudou tudo né?

Reflexões sobre o corpo negro feminino e experiências de parto durante a pandemia na cidade de Porto Alegre


  • Josiane Bueno



racismo estrutural, violência, mulheres negras, parto


This article is part of my doctoral research initiated in 2019. The research seeks to discuss the relationship between structural racism and its effects on public health institutions. Considering the relevance of the discussion of certain social markers in the field of Anthropology of the Body and Health, the research has been cutting gender, race and economic, and has focused on understanding the experiences that involve different stages of black women motherhood (pregnancy, childbirth and care), considering the crossings to which these bodies are exposed. It has been a central aspect of the research to problematize some institutionalizations that have been causing experiences of pain and suffering to black women, for this specific work - With the corona, everything has changed, right? ” Reflections on the female black body and labor experiences during the pandemic in the city of Porto Alegre –, I propose to reflect how much the pandemic context has been causing even more violent effects to the childbirth experiences of black women served by the public health system; thus. Therefore, it is necessary to discuss the anthropological concepts of social suffering and embodiment. As a methodology, considering the limitations imposed by the pandemic context to which this work is been submitted, unstructured and distance interviews were used as a resource. The article is the result of two black women report attended by the Unified Health System (SUS) in Porto Alegre.


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Painel de casos de corona vírus (Covid-19) confirmados nos Municípios do Rio Grande do Sul




How to Cite

Bueno, J. (2022). Com o Corona mudou tudo né? Reflexões sobre o corpo negro feminino e experiências de parto durante a pandemia na cidade de Porto Alegre. Novos Debates, 7(2).



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