Formas narrativas del relato policial en torno a la detención, muerte y secuestro de Marcos O. en 1975, en Córdoba, Argentina


  • Lucia Rios Universidad Nacional de Córdoba



dictatorship, Archives, Narratives, Police, Subversives


This article aims to investigate the different pólice narratives that took place in Córdoba, Argentina, in 1975 –one year before the last Argentine civil – military dictatorship - whose archives, -memos, journalistic notes- are currently in the Archivo Provincial de la Memoria, in relation to the events that had as axis the figure of Marcos O., a member of Montoneros, member of Montoneros, aiming to address the way in which these narratives configured a scenario and a subject determined as subversive and extremist, as well as the constructed and inter woven moralities - alectional and disciplining – that the pólice forcé carried out in their narratives. In relation to these elements, through the ethnographic method, we will focus on the 'exercise of control' carried out by the pólice power, an exercise that can be manifested either through repression or through pacts and negotiations.


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How to Cite

Rios, L. (2022). Formas narrativas del relato policial en torno a la detención, muerte y secuestro de Marcos O. en 1975, en Córdoba, Argentina. Novos Debates, 7(2).



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