
Perspectivismo e Afropessimismo


  • Osmundo Pinho




ontology; perspectivism; afropessimism; epistemology; anti-blackness.


In this essay, outcome of the teaching experience in the colonial periphery of Brazilian racialized capitalism, I return, very briefly, to the connection found in Western philosophy between ontology and language to explain the fundamentals of the linguistic turn and to point out the transition to an ontological turn, discussed in this way in two instances, which seem to have been incommunicable until then. Amerindian perspectivism, which we could perhaps consider a chapter of the broader ontological turn in contemporary social anthropology, and African American Afropessimism, heir from the traditions of North American and African and Diaspora black radicalism.


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How to Cite

Pinho, O. (2022). Ontologia(s) : Perspectivismo e Afropessimismo. Novos Debates, 7(2). https://doi.org/10.48006/2358-0097-7218


