Black voices in Anthropology

A brief history of an antiracist project


  • Messias Basques Harvard University



black anthropologists, History of Anthropology, racism and antiracism, afirmative action


The article presents a brief history of an introductory course on the lives and work of pioneering Black anthropologists who are still unknown and even ignored by most social scientists in Brazil and abroad. Each of these intellectuals has developed antiracist perspectives on foundational topics in the Humanities from different styles, methods, and theories. The first edition took place in early 2019 at the Federal University of Espírito Santo (UFES). It was initially designed to support a demand presented by the Collective of Black Undergraduate Social Sciences Students. Since then, mainly as a guest lecturer, I have promoted new editions in partnership with public universities, offering the syllabus as an extension course. In addition to the teaching project, Black Voices is also available as a bilingual website (in Portuguese and English) and a social media channel where all its content can be freely accessed. In 2022, at its 33rd Annual Meeting, the Brazilian Anthropological Association awarded the initiative the Best Anthropology Teaching Project in Brazil. It also received the Award for Science Communication in Anthropology. This article is an adapted version of the proposal submitted to both prizes.

Author Biography

Messias Basques, Harvard University

Harvard University


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How to Cite

Basques, M. (2024). Black voices in Anthropology: A brief history of an antiracist project. Novos Debates, 8(2).


