
The optimism of the pessimistic


  • Laura Belik University of California Berkeley




bunker, abrigo, proteção, fortificação, esconderijo


This paper reflects on the different forms and uses of bunkers historically, and how each iteration of this type of space portrays values and social disputes of their time. Responding to the exercise proposedby sociologist Raymond Williams (1976) in his seminal book Keywords, this research revisits the word “bunker” and its various meanings. Originally, bunkers were built as shelter and protection. Bunker-types were widely spread during WWI as a military strategy, and these kinds of spaces continued to serve different uses over the years. Although traditionally known as insalubrious underground spaces, this article shows how bunkers evolved. Today these spaces are no longer necessarily buried or hidden, and serve a variety of functions, depending on context and historical moment.

Author Biography

Laura Belik, University of California Berkeley

University of California Berkeley


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How to Cite

Belik, L. (2024). Bunker: The optimism of the pessimistic. Novos Debates, 8(2). https://doi.org/10.48006/2358-0097/V8N2.E8204


