Imagens literais demais

Pensando elementos estéticos no fazer político do bolsonarismo e suas consequências




Antropologia da política, bolsonarismo, conservadorismo, estética e política, pertencimento político


This paper focuses on the entangling of aesthetics elements, modes of belonging and the construction of Bolsonarist political groups. Materialities, messages, and images that relate religions, nation-states, and senses of majority are observed in the public scenes of support for the mandate of Jair Bolsonaro. This arrangement should not be understood as an accumulation of disordered references, but as the activation of elements that works in its own logic, which is that of Bolsonarism. The argument here is that the occupation of public spaces by supporters of this government and the forms of appearance of its most recurrent aesthetic elements provide productive interpretive keys for anthropological approaches to the issue of Bolsonarism and the strengthening of conservatism in contemporary politics.


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How to Cite

Scola, J. (2021). Imagens literais demais: Pensando elementos estéticos no fazer político do bolsonarismo e suas consequências. Novos Debates, 6(1-2).



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