Digital pornotopias
Popularity, exposure, and morality in the camming industry
morality; popularity; plataformization; cammingAbstract
The spectacularization of intimacy has become a popular cultural phenomenon—spread in the post-war period—as public discourses on sex and sexuality became privileged products in the commercial exploitation of voyeurism figured in the feminine. In this article, we will move from the major cultural, economic, and technological milestones inscribed in the pornotopic projects of Playboy (Preciado, 2020), the cinematography initiated by *Deep Throat*, and "reality entertainment" to the platformization of these phenomena linked to the rationalization of an online economy based on surveillance (Andrejevic, 2003; Zuboff, 2021). Under these frameworks, the article aims to ethnographically understand how the media phenomena of commercial exploitation of intimacy, within the work of camming, have been intrinsically related to moral discourses around legitimate sexuality (Rubin, 2018; Foucault, 2020)—especially linked to the control of the female body—showing how the new conditions of exposure and digital commercialization introduce differentiated grammars into sex work, as well as new challenges to experiences of pleasure and danger in the context of the Internet.
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