Genealogical masculinity and the “viking” of the capitol

Reflections on virility and politics




Masculinity, Virility, Authoritarianism, Anthropology of Gender, Politics


This essay invites the reader to reflect upon virile masculinity, authoritarianism and political ideology through the image of Jake Angeli, the man with a horned Viking hat and face paint at the United States Capitol riot of January 6th, 2021. By approaching how images of masculine bravery have been appropriated by fundamentalist regimes, this text reveals one of the main social-anthropological mechanisms to perpetuate and reproduce machismo: the political desire to revive a symbol, brought from an ancient past, through which men are depicted as wilder, stronger, more violent and more dominant than today. By means of historic and anthropological examples this text questions the political representation of a masculinity that is untied from civilizational progress and ignores feminist and LGBTQIA+ social conquests.


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How to Cite

Moreira, L. (2021). Genealogical masculinity and the “viking” of the capitol: Reflections on virility and politics. Novos Debates, 7(1).


