
Movement and learning in Tim Ingold





Walking, Organism, Environment, Movement, Learning


The essay aims to discuss the ecological implications of walking, considering Tim Ingold’s perspective. Namely, the implications in the organism-environment relationship along the context and flow of walking. Evoking an ethnography of Van Gujjar walking and, another, about the paths and histories of the Tłı̨chǫ, the essay contrast them with the urban walking described by Goffman and Kawada. The emergence of modern cities and the accelerated rhythms of contemporary urban life led to several inversions in the logics and ways of walking of the mentioned ethnographic examples, the essay argues that such processes had a damaging impact not only on the 'procedurality' of walking but, consequently, the understanding of what it is to ‘dwell’.


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How to Cite

Guedes Brigante, G., & Wernek, M. M. F. (2021). Walk(ings): Movement and learning in Tim Ingold . Novos Debates, 7(1). https://doi.org/10.48006/2358-0097-7109


