"Among Cousins"

experiences in the everyday life of Calon Gypsies


  • Edilma Monteiro UFMA




ciganos, calon, primos, família


The choice for naming this photo essay, “'AMONG 'COUSINS':  Experiences In the Daily Life of Calon Gypsies” is based on a local indication. The term 'cousin' is an expression used among the Calon gypsies to refer to another gypsy person, and does not necessarily define a kinship. 'Cousin (a)' is, in this sense, placed as a category to recognize a Calon person who is either very close or belongs to a family network.In this essay the chosen photographs are part of the visual collection of the ethnographic research carried out with Calon gypsy people in Paraíba and Western Paraná, which comprised the period of childhood in these contexts. I trace as the central objective of this essay, to bring to scene a proposal of images that capture scenes of the daily life of these gypsies from the relations of children and adults. In the wake of the relationships that make up the notion of 'cousin', I present images of distinct contexts of the Calons in three moments: 1) A wedding celebration in the family network of the coast; 2) The soccer of the Calins and the Calons in the family network of the sertão; and, 3) Calon life in the tent.The images chosen show the exchanges between children and adults in the dynamics of daily life in the tent, the relationships that are imbricated around belonging and composing the notion of being a cousin. Thus, the essay, in general, seeks to construct an imagetic narrative from the experiences of Calon gypsy children and adults in different contexts. Emphasizing that the notion of 'cousin' is being apprehended since childhood, in these everyday relationships that are woven into a learning process of being calon in different situations through images.


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How to Cite

Monteiro, E. (2022). "Among Cousins": experiences in the everyday life of Calon Gypsies. Novos Debates, 7(2). https://doi.org/10.48006/2358-0097-7204


