Reality and artificiality

An analysis of the social construction of feelings from the experience of an Artificial Intelligence


  • Bárbara Barbosa Duarte dos Santos Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro



emotion, social construction, reality, artificiality, movies


This essay aims to discuss, based on the film Her, how the experience and the expression of feelings are socially constituted through social conviviality. The methodology is based on a narrative review based on theoretical works produced in the field of Social Sciences, with emphasis on Anthropology of Emotions. The object of analysis is the emotions developed by the character Samantha, an artificial intelligence operating system. The objective is to propose a theoretical opposition to biological-body notions about emotional categories. Considering the discussion between the works and the relationship of two opposing characters it is possible to infer that emotionality is manifested through collective networks of interdependence. Thus, emotions and their forms of expression present themselves as constitutively social.

Author Biography

Bárbara Barbosa Duarte dos Santos, Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro

Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro


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How to Cite

Santos, B. B. D. dos. (2024). Reality and artificiality: An analysis of the social construction of feelings from the experience of an Artificial Intelligence. Novos Debates, 8(2).


