Programmed reception

Methodological notes from a research on Youtube


  • Thais Lassali Universidade Estadual de Campinas



methodology; digital anthropology; reception study; YouTube.


This article proposes a reflection on the relationship between researchers conducting fieldwork in digital environments and the algorithms underlying contemporary major platforms. With this objective, the field research conducted for my doctoral thesis, which examines the reception of a blockbuster film on YouTube, will be the argumentative thread. As one of the main video-sharing platforms, owned by the technology conglomerate Alphabet Inc./Google, YouTube was used as the primary means for disseminating reviews of the film in question, becoming a significant actor in shaping the collective impression of it. This occurred through the operation of the platform's recommendation algorithms, which tailor search results for each user and act as curators of the displayed content. The influence of such algorithmic structures gave rise to a peculiar type of reception, which I conceptualized, inspired by Taina Bucher (2018), as "programmed reception". Thus, this article presents the solutions found to circumvent the limitations imposed by the studied platform. At the same time, it addresses the questions that arose in the process, noting the need to consider, examine, and understand the role of algorithms as mediators of academic research conducted on platforms, concluding that such digital entities are not entirely insurmountable but, on the contrary, offer opportunities for methodological creativity.

Author Biography

Thais Lassali, Universidade Estadual de Campinas

Doutora em Antropologia Social | Campinas, Brasil


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How to Cite

Lassali, T. (2024). Programmed reception: Methodological notes from a research on Youtube . Novos Debates, 10(1).


