“O tapajós é o berço de onde nosso povo surgiu”

Notas etnográficas sobre a luta do povo Munduruku pela vida





Munduruku, luta, território, invasões, Estado


For the Munduruku people, as for many Amerindians, the world – or the worlds – is inhabited by diverse human and nonhuman beings. To relate to the forest, to the rivers, and to the territory as a whole also implies relating to these other beings, for they are subjects who have agency that influences the world of the “living. From the Munduruku narratives, it is possible to see how the development projects desired by the Brazilian state, combined with the invasions and lack of inspections and protection of indigenous lands and territories, violate their lives in their daily lives, from the land on which they stand to the different worlds and beings that make up their cosmography.


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How to Cite

Dias, B. do N. (2021). “O tapajós é o berço de onde nosso povo surgiu”: Notas etnográficas sobre a luta do povo Munduruku pela vida. Novos Debates, 6(1-2). https://doi.org/10.48006/2358-0097-6204



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