Artivism, affect and Brazil’s necrotranspolitics

Transphobic violence and audiovisual celebrations of travesti and trans life


  • Alvaro (Carmen) Jarrín College of the Holy Cross, Duke University

Palabras clave:

activism, politics, transgender, violence, music


This article describes the affective power of artivism within the trans and travesti social movement in Brazil. I argue that by using artistic expression, particularly musical performance, for the aims of political activism, artivists like Linn da Quebrada and Jup do Bairro, among many others, are able to invert the violence usually suffered by gender nonconforming individuals. Their music videos, lyrics and performances are a powerful and effective response to the “necrotranspolitics” (Benevides, 2022) of the Brazilian State, and all the structural violence it entails, because they allow these artivists to craft alternative spaces of hope and new political horizons

Biografía del autor/a

Alvaro (Carmen) Jarrín, College of the Holy Cross, Duke University

College of the Holy Cross, Duke University


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Cómo citar

Jarrín, A. (Carmen). (2024). Artivism, affect and Brazil’s necrotranspolitics: Transphobic violence and audiovisual celebrations of travesti and trans life. Novos Debates, 8(1). Recuperado a partir de


