Performances políticas e artivismo

Arquivo, repertório e re-performance




artivismo, arte, política, arquivo, repertório, re-performance


In this paper we aim to reflect tentatively and to start an itinerary of conceptual definition of a neologism - artivism - still of unstable consensus both in the field of social sciences and in the field of arts. Here, we undertake a search for the meanings and tensions that this concept has provoked in the debates that articulate art and politics. We aim to understand how political performances take on aesthetic dimensions and, in parallel, how artistic practices position themselves politically. The concepts of archive and repertoire (Diana Taylor, 2003), of reperformance (Diana Taylor 2016) and restored behaviour (Richard Schechner 1981) will be explored in the light of the notion of hashtag politic or hashtag activism- chain propagation of political-aesthetic protests/gestures founded on principles and rules of digital communication as a cultural object that perpetuates the political agenda in the public sphere and bridges activist personal and collective experiences.

Author Biography

Paulo Raposo, Instituto Universitário de Lisboa

Instituto Universitário de Lisboa


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How to Cite

Raposo, P. (2024). Performances políticas e artivismo: Arquivo, repertório e re-performance. Novos Debates, 8(1).


